Monday 8 May 2017

Dear hooman,detox.

Did you ever feel the urge to throw up whatever you're doing and run away from everything? Did you ever feel the question "What am I doing?" hitting you hard?  If your score was a 1/2 or 2/2,you're on the right page*tadaa*. All this fuss is nothing but StreSS(with a stress on s!). This is actually the very moment wherein you need to detox. So here's a list of some easy-to-very easy ways to get yourself better. *Thank me later*

  • What more do you need if you have a beach to hit at a stone's throw or a can-throw-yourself-at-the-beach-by-a-car ? You're overtly blessed in either of the cases. *I'm blessed* Put your flip-flops on ,sunscreen on, sunglasses on and hit the beach. The sound of the waves,the zephyr of the salty wind and the playful touch of the water,ah,heaven!

  • In the current world where you get update notification more frequently than a message notification (do bear with my exaggeration though) , if there's something that can keep you as "you" , it's definitely only your hobby. Pick up a hobby,nurture it and who knows your passion might turn into your profession (get ready to deal with the padosi-aunties and uncles if your passion isn't engineering *sigh*). Do try to spend a little time everyday with your hobby. 

  • With the advent of smartphones, the previously existent hooman-to-hooman talks have reduced to 5.5" screen-to-*insert the screen-size of your phone* talks. But,trust me,there's nothing like hanging up (in-person) with your best friend or with your family . The warmth,the emotion,the compassion don't actually exist over the phone. So,make time to catch up with them. 

  • Mark a day in your week to treat yourself. Go shopping or go to the parlor or bake a cake or Netflix-popcorn-coke trio or grab a book and snuggle in a comfy-corner. The day would be yours and you get to do any random task for which you couldn't find time for in the other 6 days. 
  • Nature heals deepest of the scars. Rejuvenating the body from the interior is quite essential. A few days in your month wherein you eat organic can do the magic. Organic fruits and vegetables(especially the greens) need to be consumed on the marked days. Eat healthy to stay healthy. 
PS : Not to forget the best detox technique, chai and crumpled-papers-and-chai (you're on the right page :P)

Happy vacation!
End of chai-time!
Stay sparkly!

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