Sunday, 25 June 2017

A head full of thoughts

"But she's just 10 years old, ask her to take her little brother with her",he said.


"Oh really, if someone attacks the girl,the little brother would come to her rescue? Even if he comes to the rescue,what is he,Superman or Shaktimaan? A single light blow will throw him yards away. We know the world's not a safe place but does this mean you deprive the girl her rights? Dear he, it isn't protection,it's confinement. To all of you who feel we're the weaker sex, just think about the pain your mother,the first woman in your life, went through during her labor.*Go thank her*
We are asked to get home before dark. The reason being, monsters wander in the dark. But do you know that the only way to get rid of the darkness is light and to be the light yourself. You're carving a monster unknowingly by mentally taming your boy that  '-er than her' in every single trait. When we are born equal, what makes you draw such comparisons?
Take any field, the sex ratio would startle you(or us). Is it because you are afraid of the fact that we might turn out better than you or the fact that you find dominance mandatory? If it's either of them, we'll start judging you.
The world has evolved,men have evolved,women have evolved,yet the perspective towards women hasn't evolved. Now is the time for the change and it must start from you. Look at those powerful women who are striving to make the world a better place. Your little girl might be one among them one day. Give her the equal rights she deserves. Teach her how to protect herself when need arises. Teach your boys to respect women.
But,amidst all we face, we still rise up because we have been a phoenix before
and every time we burn to ashes,we know exactly how to rise up again."

A little note to all the lovely women,

You're beautiful,
As you are
You're powerful,
More than you think you are
You're phenomenal,
You're strong,
You're elegant,
You're the queen.

Stay sparkly!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017

El Clásico


MIND    :  Wake up,you! You,you,you,wake up,you! Rise and shine oh you! *mindpalm* 

HEART : Morning's here,Morning's here! Bleh,sleep for another 5 minutes. Here,take your                          blanket.


MIND   : Hurry up you,hurry up! You need to catch the bus. Oh ho,stop that singing,it's shaking                  the  foundations of  my home. 

HEART : Your life's always been in a hurry. Take a moment to feel the true essence of life.

MIND   : Oh,really? You can feel the essence later,catch the bus first.  

HEART : *Grrrrrrrr*


MIND    : This is your day buddy.Go,prove yourself! Prove to the world that you're the epitome                        of  perfection.

HEART : You need not prove yourself to anyone.You are what you are.You are unique.You are                           special.Go,be yourself!

MIND    : Why can't you think?

HEART : 'Cause I'm not you. I am what I am.

MIND    : Pschhh,in the real world,you need to prove yourself. You need to show your magic to                        the world.                                       

HEART : The real world is unreal. It's only your soul that is eternal.

MIND    : *slow claps* May the force be with you!

HEART  : I've always been the pumping force buddy!


MIND    : A risky project - cons > pros - REJECT it

HEART : A calculated risk is worth a go. Why don't you give it a try? Adventure-up your life                            buddy!

MIND   : Do you actually know what might happen if you fail the project? You would let your                         boss down and eventually you might go down.                      

HEART : Live in the present. To shine bright like a diamond,brace yourself for the cuts.

MIND    : Why don't you think practically?

HEART :I don't actually think, I guide you to the right path.


MIND    : Listen to me!

HEART  : Listen to me!

HUMAN : You are  driving me crazy! I can't  choose between you. *sobs*

HEART : Dear human, you are the best  judge.Make a wise choice.

MIND   : Yeah, make a wise choice! Choose me!

HEART : Oh mind, he makes the final decision. Let him choose.

MIND   : Take time and choose me!

HUMAN : I've made my choice.

MIND    : Yayyy,thanks!

HUMAN : You haven't heard my decision yet.

MIND     :  I've known homosapiens for a long time. They would eventually pick me.

HUMAN : Why would we always choose you?

MIND     :  Humans are engulfed by the fear of failure, fear of taunts from the society and fear of                       disappointment.

HUMAN : I've decided to rise above my fears , get out of my comfort zone and follow my heart.

HEART   :Wise decision made. Don't forget to bring Mr.Mind with you.

Follow your heart but take your brain with you!

End of chai-time!
Stay sparkly!