Tuesday 28 February 2017


"Yayyyyy!",she exclaimed. Every time she exclaimed ,my heart skipped a beat. Every time she exclaimed ,I felt important. I've been waiting for her touch since long and now the wait's over. Oh my,oh my,she's coming towards me,closer,closer,closer and here she is.Ah,the warm touch of her hand after a long wait.Finally,I've been pulled out of the closet. She's my Juliet who pulls me out of the closet and I'm her Romeo,Rocky,the Suitcase who stays in the closet.


*THE PACKING* Dress 1,in; Dress 2,in; Dress 3,in; Dress 4,in; Dress 5,in,out,in again; Dress 6 in,out,in,out,finally in; Dress 7,in; passport,in ; books,in  and other essentials in,in,in.

And I'm all set to roll!

*THE DAY* She woke up early and so did I,we've got a flight to catch in a couple of hours.She does a quick re-check - passport?- yes,  phone?- yes,  keys? -yes and after a series of "Yes(s)",now we are ready.We get into the car.I always let her drive as I love watching her drive. Vroommm,vroommm!

*AT THE AIRPORT* We've finally reached the airport surpassing the honking and ponking of the horns*the traffic,grr*. Now,here's a test for me,the ultimate baggage screening. She gently lifts me up and places me on the conveyor belt. In I go as she waits (eagerly) for me. Yay,I've cleared the test and she gives me a promising smile, "I knew you would clear this!". Next,we head to grab a quick bite.Then,the check-in. Pain engulfs me as she hands me over to the luggage hold. I see her for one last time before I'm thrown into my world of rolling stuff. She disappeared.

*THE DESTINATION* Ouch,my back badly hurts,what an awful journey it was! Wait,I see her,I see her coming for me. Her magical touch makes me forget all the pain. The trip begins! 

*THE RETURN* It's time to head back to our place,sigh! I see her as she packs her stuff back into me and this time the dresses have gone up to 12 and I find some new stuff *She loves to shop* and we head to the airport.

*BACK TO THE CLOSET* The last 2 days have been the best days of my life - watching her stress-free,happy and free. With all those memories she engraved in my heart,I happily(no,sadly) return to my closet. Now all I've to do is to wait for Juliet to pull me from here again and until then I would keep cherishing the memories made. With a heavy heart, I bid her a goodbye,Goodbye Juliet!

*End of chai-time*

Stay sparkly!


  1. I have been waiting for your post and now the Wait's not over.will wait for your next post for the next chai

  2. Nice to see another sweet post. Keep going :)
